jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

My blog

The blog is something very complicate, because I have to writing so much in English and I don't know this language. For this I didn't use the activity, if it weren't for the English class I don't created this.

I don't want have a blog, because I don't know about to that write and  I'm not interests have one. I'm think the time to use in blog you can make other thing. 

This is a great way to learn English, you could practice all the knowledge that I have learned through this class. The blog that I most like was the one where I have to write about my extracurricular activities and other interesting thing and the bad has already mention. 


You will need to complete this post for homework.
Write about Chile.
Include the following information.

How do you feel about Chile?
What do you like?
What don't you like?
What would you change and how would you change it?
Have you been to any other countries? How do they compare to Chile?
What do you think is the international perception of Chile?
Which part of Chile would you most like to live in? Why?
Any other thoughts.

180 words.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Something I love

The first thing that I think is in my old pet and the new.

Kitty is a dog very old, have sixteen human years old, but she keeps as new. I'm write as my old mascot, because she live in parent home and I'm went to leave of this. I miss Kitty very much, because in any moment she dies. The more difficult is her age it doesn't remember for me, because I never forget.

And I write as my new pet, a cat called Almendra. She is very affectionate, always wish attention. I'm think that must be a vase of table. 

In the winter, she curled up in my bed, is very cheater, after by throw up of my room, she wait at I'm sleeping and then coming to the bed.
Almendra surprise to me all day with her pranks.

For all this, I'm think ¡Stop, these aren't some animals, are a persons! they are feel like we are........ 

the website

1.Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.

You should:-

  • provide a link
  • describe the website (sections, features,etc)
  • say how often you visit the site
  • explain why you like the site.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

the photographer

First I introduce to the photographer, He is Juan Sisto a adventurer.

He born in Spain, since little boy have your photography laboratory in the bathroom his home, where he stayed many hours. That's how since forever work full time as photographer.

He participated in Namaste, a program of Canal 13 Cable, where he found fantastic place to photograph. This adventure is resume in the next video:  http://vimeo.com/47682273
In this case the picture, that I teach, Juan take in Nepal.  

Juan get a first prize for this picture, in the competition of mountaineering OS2O. 
You can make contact with Juan and view his work in the next link http://fisterrabicicleta.com/quiensoy/

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


My favourite movie is Pocahontas, This is more interesting, because in this creation you learn more things.
Her name means " little quiet ", and I have a feeling that is a girl with courage. Since I little, consider as her, fight against all adversity.

The plot Pocahontas movie, it is about the tribe boss's daughter, search for her destiny.
In the start she gets engaged with Kocoum, a warlike more valiant, but she don't considers correct. In this moment arrive a boat for foreign's in search of gold.

Pocahontas be in love of John Smith, young foreign.
Putings face to face different interesting, from the tribe and the foreign´s. So start the storyline, Pocahontas try to avoid the war together with her foreign lover, but don`t always is perfect. John Smith is arrested for the tribe, to blamed for Kocoum death. In this moment she understand her dreams, and make a choice  to follow her path.
At daybreak Pocahontas intervened so avoid the John Smith death, and tell said : " If you kill him, you will have to kill me too"

Then of the silence, the tribe boss`s reply that him daughter spoke with sensibleness. In this moment the man to took down the arm and freed to John Smith, but the foreign boss been suspicious of all and shoot, to wound John.
The foreign`s to decide return to England for the John recovery. And this ask to Pocahontas go with him, but she say can`t go because her destiny been in the tribe.

jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

The Mobile Phone

I don´t like the technology, because I think isn't necessary and use a lot of time in your life.
But this exercise is necessary for my study, so I write to mobile phone.

This is my cell phone, a technology appliance. In this time are too advance, other can unblock with a fingerprint reader and even can to measure your cardiac rhythm.
I usually to take all time, because in case receive a phone call and when it's boring, I play the game or listen music.
This is a
n important object for the communication with different people, since my family for work people. In this time is more important that before, because I don´t have internet in my home, so I didn't use other platform of communication as facebook and email.
I don´t like the technology, but for the necessity I use.

Follow the instruction of Henry, What life would be life without it? I think people life would be more interesting. Personally I take offence when see somebody glued to the computer or other technology object.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Hi, this is my second post
Today I write about my extracurricular activities, besides to the university.

I study Public Administration, because it contains a topic of interest for me . So I participate in a political group, called " Pan y Rosas ". This is a feminist class group, which make up a movement that challenges the liberation of women and all deeds, unstable for LGTTB (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) oppressed by the reactionary moral workers. I'm happy, I think is the most important struggle of our rights, as all are equal.

And other excluded activities is my job, generally have worked as developer, but now I work in a restaurant "Emporio La Rosa", where I have the role of waiter, is the most entertaining work, and great tip is the best.

I hope you like !!

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

My life

Hi everyone, again we found in my blog.
This blog I use for writing so my life, with the propose I learn english.

My name is Gabriela Paz Ortiz Vidal. I was born on the 11th February 1991 in the Santiago city.

Actually I study Public Administration, but I study since little. First I go to the school garden from the three to five years, in there I learn different things useful for my later studies and life.
Then I go to primary school, Santa Maria de Cervellon
Where I to study from first to quarter level, because my parents to change other school in 2001 because the convent school it was not the same that before and I go to Sagrados Corazones school, in there I finish my education.
So I into the university in 2009 studied three years architecture but not finish the program because don´t like.
Then I study for doing well PSU test and finally with the result, I'm can come in study Public Administration
Well all this, I don't would archived without my family; my father Cesar,  my mom Elizabeth, my two brothers Agustin, Tomas and my sister Camila.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Hi I´m Gabriela Ortiz
I´m from Chile, Do you know it?
Don´t worry. I going teach you